photo by: jason lazarus
not exactly sure what the stars say about my current station, but from what i glean my recent friend pool is stuck in revolving door mode. not to say i am loosing friends emotionally, more so geographically. one to the west, one soon to the east, and i stay firmly in the middle. with my loses i've also had some gains which is exciting, but also leaves me a bit anxious. establishing trust with a new pal is something that takes time and intuition. my inherent nature is to divulge and expound at length about my goings on, but then i realize that this person is new to my sphere and i don't want to scare him or her off. my tendency (as i often say) is to tell everyone down to the lady at stanley's produce mart what my business is, "and why for the love of god did he wink at me? what does it all meaaaaan???!". unbiased and unabashed are my two favorite forms of advice. perhaps that's why my solicitation bears no filter as to whom the receiver is at times.
is privacy something you develop or innately possess?