Monday, March 10, 2008

no use pretending

in my lifetime i've maybe listened to this song about 20x. not that many repeats in comparison to other songs i've obsessed over. but this one, this one hangs, swells and drips. i really don't want to listen to it too many times, for the fear that the feeling i get when i listen to it will go away. i think the feeling will always be there, much like my love for raw peanut butter and apples or the smell of magnolias. however, i think the more passes it makes on my ears the softer and more tangible it will become. mystery and elusiveness are essentially what drive our intrigue, then once it turns into a studied or understood thing we move on. especially in our ever evolving and disposable state of consumerism and culture.

i read an interesting excerpt from another blog that mentioned mp3's vs cd's. cd's are a commitment to an album for its customer, whereas an mp3 is a one hitter. the unfortunate conclusion the author came to; is that the music industry is making songs more disposable. this is so we will grow tired of that singular hit thus creating a need for more mp3's, maybe by the same artist, maybe a different one all together, as long as the need/demand/urge is met.

this song, the one you are about to download from here, is not that kind of mp3. in fact if i was able to hand each and every one of you a cassette, 7inch, or cd of this song i would, just so you wouldn't think of it as disposable. because in all honesty this song deserves more than that.

c. blunstone-caroline goodbye

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