Tuesday, July 24, 2007

bizarre in multiple b's

Went to Mt. Baldy on Saturday. Saw a human hair braid hanging from the rear view mirror on the car in front of me in traffic. A man dressed up as Batman showed up at the Hungry Brain.


Anonymous said...

That was me dressed up as Batman, you mean bitch!

amazonian anecdotes said...

if that was john dressed up as batman, then... john, why were you hitting on me and my friends? you have a girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

why are you on a beach with a nuclear reactor in the background? did the radioactive isotopes in the air cause you delusional visages of batman and pony tails hanging from a rearview mirror? that's almost as bad as thinking a diana ross video from 1981 is cool...

annie said...

i can vouche for the fact that there was infact a braid and a batman that day, i witnessed both and have photographic evidence of batman!