Monday, July 23, 2007

ohhh that feeling

Finally decided to just do this. Been putting it off and putting it off and now I'm going to stop fighting. Not sure how often I will spew forth my witty, trite yet entertaining musings but that's the fun part - the mystery of what's she gonna say? What's she going to do?! So I will start with the things that I receive from friends, family and then things that I find on my own (which beats out the others 20 fold). Bro sent this to me today:

Let me comment more on the editing than on the music itself. The cuts are liken to that kind of wacky trip/flash back a forty year old who did too many mushrooms in his college dorm would have, whilst currently sitting in his office cubicle. In other words I love it. Whenever an editor can effectively splice the song with the action (seamlessly mind you), that to me is syncopation at its finest.

1 comment:

amazonian anecdotes said...

welcome to another website account. i can't wait to stalk you on this one as well...