Wednesday, July 25, 2007

on the fence

I saw this Blonde Redhead video about 2 months ago on the RVCA ANP blog. A quintessential Mike Mills piece, utterly simple and a bit heartbreaking. I appreciate the gesture this video makes, like the first time that boy you really really like slips his fingers through yours to hold your hand, and for a split second it's pure electric magic.
So, the reason I'm on the fence with this video even after the aforementioned prepubescent first love reminiscence... I feel as if I've been taken or it's a hoax. It's toooo simple, it's too heartbreaking, it's too contrived of an emotion. Much like lying on your back hanging off your bed when you call in sick to work, so that you sound more sick/throaty. Plus, I've had a hard time deciphering if it's real or cgi. Any takers out there for validating it's authenticity both in emotion an/or digital effects?


Anonymous said...

conceptually i feel there is a vacancy with this mike mills work. simplicity is the hardest form of expression with film / video. he misses the mark with this piece.

amazonian anecdotes said...

no. no cgi. rainbows just match up with blonde redhead songs. it's weird, but it's true.

cj said...

ooh, good trick to lie on your back to sound more sick. i'll have to use that next time.