this is katherine. she is my neighbor and she has been living on my street longer than i have been alive. every now and then she sits out on her front porch and contemplates the amazing life she has. not only does she have an impeccable green thumb, but she also throws out slang from time to time, "hey andrea, takes its easy". i also love her because even though we don't always understand each other (she was born and raised in the ukraine) she always finds my never ending effort of general gesticulations amusing. see that pink sweater she's wearing? she made it herself--- rife with arthritis and she's still killing it. she wasn't very pleased that i was taking a photo of her bespectacled, but i think they make her look regal and majestic.

some of you may recognize this pool, some of you may think i'm sneaking into daddy warbucks' basement.
all i know is that it has now become my mission to take a stealth dip into its heavily chlorinated waters.
it will be mine, oh yes, all mine.
have i mentioned lately my amazing capacity to bullshit whenever i get caught doing something i should not be doing? (perhaps you've simply just noticed) either way, i NEED in on that pool mission. i could
be of great value...
i miss you anonymous harned.
how did you get into my secret basement? that mess is for me and my mensssss.
also, are those sunflowers your neighbors? 'cuz they're impressive...
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