Wednesday, September 19, 2007

paper signal

Hectic schedules on both ends of the blogosphere have kept John and myself quite busy. So it was a pleasant departure to be able to mill about the internets and stumble upon these quirky gems. Hi five for oddities exposed on the www.

Discovery of the Day

Today Boing Boing posted a link to a site that had scanned a few of what are called QSL cards. These are little trophies for amateur radio operators; be it ham, cb, shortwave, or what-have-you. When an amateur operator in, say, Minnesota would make contact with someone in Mongolia and they were friendly enough he or she would give his address to them so they could receive a QSL card and vice versa. So, each one represents a feather in the hat for the operator. Jody Foster’s character in CONTACT gets one at the beginning of that film

So I did some digging around and found this enormous treasure trove of them from all over the world (There’s even a section for countries that no longer exist!). The designs jaw-dropping: from sleek Soviet to hillbilly scrawl. So, here’s your interweb rabbit hole of the day – have fun and hopefully you’ll find one to steal for your bands next flier!




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